Monday, August 14, 2006

the blog underground

Week two from the Blog Underground:

Nobody knows I'm blogging except Adam. I feel like a cyber-Anne Frank. Is that tasteless? -- I'm having a harder and harder time not crossing the line these days. I actually used the phrase "the holocaust of abortions" this weekend. In reference to what? I don't remember but I almost guarentee it had naught to do with holocausts nor abortions.

Anyway even though I am Blogger Unknown there has been six viewings of my profile. Are these all by Adam? Are they by other friends who know somehow? Internet surfers? A combination of compulsively watching Lost and reading Haruki Murakami has made me generally suspicious and uncertain. What the fuck is going on???

Somewhere deep inside me I realize that knowing who has viewed your blog is itself the reason for Blogging. What a terrible invention.

Anyway --When I come out of the blog closet, so to speak, im going to have a huge GRAND OPENING ceremony. You're all invited, you five unknown profile-checkers. And Adam.

Friday, August 11, 2006

a test. only a test.

i have succumbed. succame. sucks.

Adam has tricked me.