Friday, September 29, 2006

she comes back to tell me she is gone

hello bitches: anne frank here.

a few things today:

1) I am starting to mistrust the accuracy of the "times profile checked" counter Blogger provides. Back when only adam knew I had a Blog, the counter went from 4 to 8 to 13 to 42 to 66 within a span of three days. I doubt adam would have checked my profile that many times -- though I suppose he does have a lot of time -- so I figured it was random blogophiles searching for sufjan lyrics or information on Hurricane Katrina. Not so!

Now that I am open about my blogging-problem, and I've indiscriminately disseminated the web-address to the glass menagerie (ass menagerie?) of former girlfriends and other life errata, my profile has only been checked ONCE MORE, bringing it to a grand total of 67 times. Now, either no one cares that I'm blogging or there's something screwy. Anyway, if someone checks my profile leave me a damn comment or something -- I want to know if this thing is working. The face of the modern internet is blemished with things like blogger and myspace and friendster and blasted facebook: a place where tiny infringements on privacy are blithely overlooked. So if I'm going to do this thing I want to have the scopophilic knowledge that comes with it: who the fuck is reading this??? Tell me, internet!

2) Science of sleep: gondry. I don't really know what to say but I really liked it. And yes I hear all the words critics are using that asymptotically approach "puerile" (and, I guess, sometimes they literally say that), and I'd even agree, but watching someone regress has always had a sort of perverted appeal to me -- and I think the collapse of the movie into its own psychotic infantile narcissism is pretty damn interesting. And sad, too, because it is so thinly-veiled as autobiographical. And never has regression been so visually appealing. Yes: I liked it, and I'm going to see the exhibit in SoHo this weekend. And for all you nay-sayers, suck it. Movies don' need plot events. Plot events are crutches.

3) After briefly not being so, I'm single again -- so if you have cute friends, give me a shout out. Accents are a plus. I'd also like to date a girl named Sarah, since all my friends do, but please make her not-jewish, and tolerant of my obsesses with winning arguments, and a good cook, and she has to really like animals...

odds look bad.