Wednesday, August 01, 2007

more things should brim

Mattnath here, getting my finger back on the pulse of the internet community. Hence, visual.
so I guess I could recognize that it has been 6 months since I've posted...

so I guess I could apologize for not getting up those thoughts on my trip to Chicago from way back when ...

or the fact that I went to India for two months without posting...

or the major life, career, and personal changes that have popped up over the last few months that have been unaccounted for here ...

but those things are past and the future, while humid on this eastern seaboard, is brimming with possibility. Finally, brimming. I like saying that: brimming. More things should brim.

Welcome to my blog new people; welcome back to the old fans (all three of you); welcome man and beast and demi-man and demi-beast and, why the hell not, gerbils (here and in heaven -- we miss you Lucy). The word 'blog' comes from the ancient Greek word for "a whale's vagina" but in the parlance has come to describe the collective mental masturbation and faux-urbane pontification of an entire generation. America. Fuck yeah.

As for me, I am much happier now that I've gotten that whole law school thing out of my system. Who the fuck wants to be a lawyer? (except, well, the many of you reading this that are currently in law school). More precisely: I dont want to be a lawyer. I never have. I'm glad I've finally admitted it to myself and to the World-At-Large. Not that I need to have this conversation with the cyber-universe, lord knows I've had it too many times already, but suffice it to say that I'm too young to submit to the idea that I shouldn't chase my dreams. Fuck it: they are my dreams. Anyway the bizarre existential weight I felt to GO GO GO WIN WIN WIN has abated, and hopefully now I'm concentrating on what I really want: sex and, occasionally, sushi.

India was great. Just what I needed. I don't really know what to say. A few months ago this was me (I tri-poded this):

and now I'm here:

That was a vista unto Nanda Devi, India's highest peak. By far the most beautiful campsite of my life.

Yesterweekend went up to Rhode Island for Andrew Kerner's wedding. I love the Kerner family, and the Roth family Andrew is marrying are just as crazy of characters. It was the best 300,000 dollar frat party I've ever been to. Picture an aging hippie living in her protest-filled youth, the hottest 48 year old in the world, three jeff kerners, a basset hound named Lola, a short doctor-creature named ted, and Elmer Fudd crammed inside a circus tent taking shorts of warm vodka. And that was only the rehearsal dinner. It was freaking fantastic. The ceremony itself was short, sweet and poignant. There's no one I could be happier for -- Andrew and Ali you guys rock all the groove spots.

And love prevails. Who would have thought?

So, with that I'll leave you with for now. Don't be a stranger! Hope we can talk more, I feel we've grown apart. I want to get back to how things used to be, Baby, before the stretches of silence, before New Blogger, before India. Back when I was gonna be a lawyer. Back before things began to brim.