Friday, November 23, 2007

What Dreams May Come?

I'm not (wholly) proud to say I've spent the better part of the last few days doing one of two things:
1) eating tremendous amounts of delicious food and
2)pining over Elizabeth Kuchinich

This is by far the hottest potential first lady in history; lo, indeed, perhaps she is the hottest person I've ever seen to be married to Dennis Kucinich (eating a kebab).

Over the last few days I've sunk into sort of a general malaise. Its symptoms include:
1) itchiness on arms and back
2) talking excessively about "fall foliage" to anyone who will listen
3) nostalgia for Robin Williams' movies I never really liked, like "Jumanji" and "Patch Adams"

and most disturbingly:
4) I seem to have developed spontaineous knowledge of the nature and purpose of the universe.

Sort of weird, all this celestial insight, but no one said infinite vision was easy. Look at Joan of Arc, she went crazy, and all she got was a glimspe. I got the entire enchillada a few nights ago while dozing through an episode of TWIN PEAKS. The entire history and purpose of humankind, whispered to me in a dream.

It's true I've forgotten what was whispered; It's also true this exact situation happened in the Twin Peaks episode I fell asleep watching. But no matter. One day I'll remember. One day I'll know again exactly why the world turns and oceans' heave and brew. Why the crisp night leaves a hollow quite unlike sadness, although that is how I would describe it to most people. Why the ebb and flow and hiatus of breath at close range, supine in bed, is so beautiful and devestatingly vast. I'll know all that again and I'll use this knowldge to lure Elizabeth Kucinich to bed.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mattnath,

I want to thank you for your show of support for the Dennis Kucinich campaign. Together we truly can achieve strength through peace. If you'd like to learn more about the campaign, to contribute, or to get involved, please visit the campaign website at

More importantly, there is an entire section of my website devoted to my lovely wife Elizabeth, whom I am pleased that you have a desire to learn more about.

Thanks again, and don't forget to tune into "A Dialog for Democracy," Thursday November 29th at 7:00pm EST on



Dave R said...
