Tuesday, February 06, 2007

but to be wholly taciturn in your reserve, is not allowed....

Willy Wonka 2005 is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. And I saw "Bats."

Welcome back to my blog. It is a new year and not a leap or election containing one. Still, it is a year where lots is going to happen. So far its dividends have paid off handsomely. More on this now.

Let us start with new years eve. Which was back in The Berkshires at Adam Freelander's house. For those of you that don't know Adam Freelander, which is no one who will ever read this, he is about yay high and is a "ginger" (as in red hair). He also is one of the funniest people I've ever met (tied with Josh and Colin Pedersen -- I've finally come to grips with the fact that they just have their 'own humor'). Anyway he has a house that can only fairly be described as awesome. There are also lots of curiosities in his house, like a sculpture of a man's bust and a very large pharmacist's scale. There were also tags everywhere that said "Freelander" which I kept finding on myself. I still do not understand them.

I do not remember New Years much at all. I don't even think I was that smashed. I just remember cooking chili for a very long time, and then drinking champagne, alone, in the jacuzzi. I remember calling things duralogs. I remember Emily Capetta. I remember playing catch the next day with Derek and Rachel Goodman. And you were there...and you were there...

I looked up freelander on wikipedia:
A freelander is term for a person or group seeking political/personal freedom through emigration to and settlement of open land. The term is primarily used in a fictional or speculative sense of freelanders emigrating from earth to other bodies in the solar system.

That is a perfect description of our friend adam. He is busting forth into the cosmos and he is muthafucking badass. In the speculative sense.

Speaking of cosmos, Stephen Hawking recently determined mathematically that a large percentage of his life's work, including the theories regarding an alternate universe that have propelled him to international stardom(and inspired the entirety of the Sailor Moon anime), cannot possibly be true. That is the true measure of a genius -- they are so smart they disprove their own theories that no one but them understood anyway.

Oscars: everything sucks. Children of Men should have a best picture nomination. Inland Empire, and Laura Dern especially, has been unilaterally shafted. But Children of Men, man, I'm glad its getting technical props but seriously. Little Miss Sunshine? Carell is a genius, okay, who else can take a homosexual Proust scholar with suicidal ideation and make it funny? But its not fucking enough. Come on. Plus the little boy that looked like a prepubescent elliott smith (actually like an adult elliott smith but miniaturized) really freaked me out.

Even Josh and I agreed on Children of Men, which is no small shakes. He after all won't touch anything Lynch with a ten foot pirogi and I fail to see the merit of going to the movies so see "Over the Hedge" or "Fantastic 4." But if there ever was a time for "to each their own." Besides I'm not the one that went to film school.

Breaking my own rule, I'm going to mention one thing about Lost. Last night Anjia figured out what the smoke monster is. She just said it, and it makes totally sense. As far as I'm concerned that no longer needs to be debated. The monster is....POLLUTION. Lost has become a liberal fairy tale about future dystopia. In the future, pollution becomes intelligent and strikes back. Don't litter.

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